Designing a Playroom that Grows with Your Children

April 4, 2024

Categories: Children's Spaces, Small Space Design1.7 min read
Playroom Storage Designed for Your Family

It’s hard to imagine your children as teenagers when they’ve barely learned to walk, isn’t it?  Everything they use and play with is just the right size for littles.  Toys, furniture, clothes, even down to their eating utensils. Although we may wish for our children to stay young forever, those teenage years will be here before you know it and their activities and interests will change with them.  That’s why when designing a playroom for toddlers, it pays to consider how it can be adapted as they grow.

Basement Playroom

Toddler toy storage can be a challenge.  How to contain the chaos?  Use a combination of open shelving, closed cabinets, and drawers to keep belongings organized and accessible. Modular shelving units or storage systems that can be easily adjusted and reconfigured as the children’s needs change.  Sturdy yet attractive boxes or baskets that fit on the shelves can be used to store toys with many pieces, such as building blocks.  As your children grow, these containers can be used to store videogames, electronic devices, and power cords.

Consider investing in furniture that can be adjusted or converted to accommodate children’s changing needs as they grow. For example, a convertible table with adjustable legs can serve as a play surface for younger children and a study desk for older children. Choose furniture pieces with built-in storage, such as ottomans with hidden compartments, benches with under-seat storage, or toy chests that double as seating.

Bean Bag Seating for Kids of All AgesWhether singing along with the Beat Bugs or hanging out with friends watching the latest Star Wars movie, entertainment is important at all ages.  As tempting as it is, take a pass on the (admittedly adorable) child-sized furniture that they will outgrow in a few short years.  Instead, look for comfortable seating such as bean bags, floor cushions, or a sectional sofa that will make kids of any age happy.


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